Distance Education

Distance Education

Study Center (27153) Nehru MahavidyalayaLalitpur (UP)
The Central University “Indira Gandhi NationalOpen University” New Delhi is the largest university in the world and has been designated as the People’s University by UNESCO. Through this, students who are deprived of regular studies due to unavoidable reasons can get an opportunity to pursue higher education. On July 18, 2008, the study center (mumber-27153) ofthis university is operated in Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Lalitpur. The following courses are available at this Study Center, 2-CNCC, 3-BA, 4-B.Com, 5-BTS, 6-MH,7-MEC, 8-MSO, 9-MAH, 10- MPS, 11-MEG, 12-DNHE, 13-DTS, 14-PGDRD Application for admission to the above courses can be made for July or January session every year. The Admission Application Form can be obtained from the Study Center on payment of Rs.200/- in or canalso be collected from the Regional Centre, Lucknow by sending a draft of Rs250/-. It Provides study material free of cost to all the students and also provides study facility at the study center. All the examinations are held inthe month of June and December. The Co-ordinator of this study center is Prof. Om Prakash Shastri and the assistant is Dr. Ramkumar Richharia. They can becontacted for any information.
Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University
Study Center (No.538)
Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University’sStudy Center (No.538) has been operating since September 2009 at Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Lalitpur. The various courses, offered at this study center are: B.A., BASS (in one subject), M.A. (Hindi, English, Economics, and Sanskrit) and Diploma courses: DHEN, DCDN, DECE, DTS, DRD, IIH, DIS. DUB, CTS, CCCN, CNF,CHFE, CWET, CCY, CTEIM, CAC, CRJMC, CIP, CIP, CIET, CIJB, CHIH. CIS, CIRM,PGDVGCC, APDF.
Admission in these courses is done through out the year (July session 16th February to 15th September and January session 16th September to 15th February) and examinations are held twice a year in December-January and May-Junerespectively. Its Co-ordinator is Prof. Awadhesh Kumar Agarwal, Assistant Co-coordinator is Dr. Subedar Yadav and office assistant is Mr. Faheem Bakhsh. They can be contacted for any information.