Rovers And Rangers

Rovers And Rangers

Four units of Rovers-Rangers are operated for the students in the College affiliated to The Bharat Scout and Guide, UP. In which 48 boys and 48 girls are admitted every year. Students taking admission in the first year of graduation, participate in the Rovers-Rangers entry course. In the college, Prof. Omprakash Shastri, District Scout Commissioner, is the Rovers-Rangers incharge while Dr. Rajeev Kumar Niranjan is the Rovers Leader and Dr. Anita is the Rangers Leader. In Rovers-Rangers Entry, Expert and State award courses are conducted. After thata Rover/Ranger can apply for the President’s award. Rovers-Rangers get an opportunity to visit different states through University Samagam and National Rallies. Through Rovers-Rangers, best conduct and manners are taught along with enhancing the hidden talent and artistic energy of the students. President’s medal awardees get the benefit of reservation in railways and other jobs. Hence, the students who wants to participate in Rovers-Rangers activities can submit a duly filled application form to Dr. Rajeev Kumar Niranjan and Dr. Anita at the time of admission.

Rovers And Rangers Contact Persons

Dr. O. P. Shastri
(Rovers Rangers Incharge)
M. 9415509588
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Niranjan
(Rovers Leader)
M. 7007517399
Mrs. Anita
(Rovers Leader)
M. 7518830100